Research Valorization
The IMAGO center collaborates with the Espace des Sciences Pierre Gilles de Gennes to disseminate the results of the research to the general public and in high schools.
Nuit européenne des
In this context, we intervened on November 27, 2020, at the European Night of Researchers (Nuit européenne des Chercheur·es) :
Interventions in high schools
In partnership with the association Traces (Espace des Sciences Pierre Gilles de Gennes), the Imago center intervenes in high school classes to train students on issues related to artificial intelligence and the circulation of images in Europe.
On May 11, 2021, Léa Saint-Raymond met with the second year high school classes of the Collège Sévigné (Paris), supervised by the teacher-documentalist Mrs. Bouchet, and Paul Boniface (Association Traces, Espace des Sciences Pierre Gilles de Gennes), as part of the « Young Algorithm Educators Project ». The students were able to discover the issues of the Imago Center and how to trace the circulation of images in Europe thanks to the tools of artificial intelligence